Dr Adebayo Olujohungbe Award for Excellence in Sickle Cell Adult Care

Dr Adebayo Olujohungbe Award for Excellence in Sickle Cell Adult Care

The Sickle Cell Society recognises the importance of multidisciplinary teams in treating and caring for adults with sickle cell disorder. The Society is offering the Dr Adebayo Olujohungbe Award for Excellence in Sickle Cell Adult Care for multidisciplinary teams working towards developing new good practice or maintaining ongoing good practice, or individuals working on projects with these goals.


This award is in memory of Dr Adebayo Olujohungbe: an NHS Consultant Haematologist and former Medical Adviser to the Sickle Cell Society, who provided leadership and determination in developing Adult Standards of Care for Sickle Cell.

Purpose of Award

This award recognises the development of new and ongoing multidisciplinary team-based good practice in the treatment and care for adults with sickle cell disorder.


Teams must be multi-disciplinary, for example, NHS Junior Doctors, Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals specialising in the care of adults with sickle cell disorder.

Individual applications must come from individuals working on projects which would enable and empower multidisciplinary teams working towards developing new good practice or maintaining ongoing good practice.

Funding Period

2 x Awards of  £3,500.00  for one year and which are not renewable.

How we will review your application

  • Quality of the application submission, including innovation and transferability.
  • Achieved outcomes and impact of service. Strength of the multidisciplinary collaboration.
  • Extent of support for the work from NHS and/or Commissioners.
  • Commitment to adult sickle cell care
  • Extent of promotion of awareness of Sickle Cell Disorder


Preferences will be given to proposals with the following elements:

  • Matching funds (e.g., from department, Trust or and from other sources)
  • Multidisciplinary collaborations including partnerships among, patients, carers, community partners including voluntary sector, Academia and Pharma.
  • Clear application or impact on the health of ethnically diverse and/or underserved adult sickle cell populations

How to apply

Please submit a word file including the following information (total of 700 words):

1.    Table of contents

2.    Abstract (max 200 words)

Describe the major aspects of the service and a statement of how the service is deemed to be good practice in the care of adults with sickle cell disorder.

3.    Details of Project/Service

a.    Service/Project aims

b.    Background and significance

  • Describe how the project has achieved a positive impact on the care of adults and how it addressed an important problem.
  • Describe specifically the involvement of multidisciplinary teams members within the service; include how the achievements of the project/service depended on their collaboration.
  • Describe the outcomes of the project/service.
  • Describe the involvement and engagement of patients and/or carers.
  • Provide details of patient feedback


Applications to be submitted to Sickle Cell Society by 31 March 2017.

Please submit your application by post to Sickle Cell Society, 54 Station Road, London NW10 4UA. Digital applications can be submitted to info@sicklecellsociety.org

Please direct any further queries to info@sicklecellsociety.org