Global Cure Sickle Cell Disease Virtual Conference

Global Cure Sickle Cell Disease Virtual Conference

You are invited to attend a free Global Cure Sickle Cell Disease Virtual Conference on October 2nd.

The focus of the conference will be to engage sickle cell communities around the world to better understand what you want to know about life for people with sickle cell after they have curative therapies like bone marrow transplants or gene editing therapies.

We want to encourage all of your voices to be heard and ask that you register if you are interested in attending.

Register to attend here:

Global Cure for SCD Virtual Conference: Global Community Family Day

Saturday 2nd October 2021
2:00pm – 6:00pm (British Summer Time, UK)
8:00am – 12:00pm (CDT)

Have Your Say (even if you can’t attend)

There is also a very brief anonymous survey (8 short questions) that people who have had or are considering curative therapy are requested to complete even if you are not able to attend.

We would love for you to complete this short survey as the results of the survey will help guide discussion on what research is most important to the sickle cell community!

Complete the short anonymous survey here:

The flyer below (as an image here or as a PDF here) has the agenda along with links to the registration site and survey, and is free to be shared with anyone.