World Sickle Cell Day 2024

World Sickle Cell Day 2024

Wednesday 19th June is World Sickle Cell Day, a United Nations’ recognised day to raise awareness of sickle cell disorder across the world.

This year our Sickle Cell Society theme is “we are STRONGER TOGETHER”, which is about celebrating community, the strength that comes from supporting each other and when we join forces to campaign for big changes in the sickle cell space.

No one person alone can make the systemic changes needed to fix decades of underinvestment in new treatments, and issues with access to acute care that have led to the tragic circumstances we outlined in our No-One’s Listening Report.

No one person should go through a life with sickle cell on their own, without a supportive community around them.

When we work together, people are supported, their mental health is supported, their physical health is supported and we can achieve big things. Like getting new born testing for sickle cell to be part of routine tests for babies. Like getting your voices heard so that the importance of having access to the new drug, Voxelotor, through the NHS in England and Scotland could be understood. In the past few years we have seen the NHS making improvements to their sickle cell care pathways, as a result of the No-One’s Listening report. In that report, you made your voices heard loud and clear, and it caused action to be taken at the highest  level.

We are starting to see the results of that action now :

  • Patient cards for people with sickle cell
  • Hyper Acute Units
  • Digital Care Plans
  • Sickle Cell Acronym

You can read more about these in our World sickle cell day Actions sheet

We support and represent people, patients and families affected by sickle cell disorder to improve their overall quality of life. Working alongside health care professionals, parents, and people living with sickle cell to raise awareness of the disorder. Our aim is to support those living with sickle cell, empowering them to achieve their full potential, and advocating for change.


Launch of the Sickle Cell Podcast

We’re also marking the launch of our podcast, in which we’re discussing tips and considerations for the best experience when transitioning from paediatric to adult sickle cell care. The panel includes healthcare professionals ; paediatric and adult consultants, as well as a clinical psychologist, alongside patients. The panel exchange experiences, share insights from their clinical practice and lived experiences, and offered practical tips to help young patients and parents communicate more effectively with their doctors.

We would love for you to join us and help raise awareness of the podcast and generally about sickle cell amongst your friends and families. The full episode page is here

We have put together ideas and resources, which you can use on and around World Sickle Cell Day 2024.



Interested in fundraising for us?

World Sickle Cell Day is the perfect opportunity to run an event or fundraiser to let people in your community know more about sickle cell and help support those living with the disorder.

We would love to support you in running a fundraising and awareness event. All you need to do is visit our website, fill out the fundraising form and send it to our fundraising team.

The form can be found here:

Coming up with ideas can be difficult, so here are a few suggestions:

• Sponsored run, walk, or cycle
• Hold a Come Dine with Me themed evening with your friends
• Organise a quiz night
• Turn £10 into £50  – buy a sponge and bucket to clean 12 of your neighbours cars for £5

Spread the word!

IG post with text saying 'We're stronger when we unite to make our voices heard', and showing the World Sickle Cell Day 'Stronger Together' logo and hashtag

World Sickle Cell Day Instagram post. See below to download the full set for your own socials

If you are running an awareness and fundraising event or fundraiser, then why not share it with your local newspaper? Local papers love to share what people in their community are doing and it is a great way to raise even more awareness of World Sickle Cell Day.

We are always looking out for people who would be happy to tell their story to hep raise awareness of the issues around sickle cell, treatments and access to care. If you would like to speak to our communications team about us sharing your news on our social media channels or in the media please email

Make a difference

Another great way to celebrate World Sickle Cell Day is to make a difference to those who have sickle cell disorder by donating.

We rely on your kind donations to keep doing the work we do. Every donation allows us to reach more people, run more activities, and improve the lives of those living with sickle cell.

If you’d like to donate visit


Download materials for World Sickle Cell Day

All social media assets for you to download and use on your own channels to promote World Sickle Cell Day 2024, including the logo, are available here

Below are some factsheets and information about sickle cell and this year’s theme, along with the actions you can take to mark the day :

WSCD 2024 Sickle Cell Facts Poster

world sickle cell day theme

World sickle cell day Actions

Sickle Cell and Sickle Cell Society Fact Sheet.PDF

Please share this 12 page booklet about sickle cell with anyone who needs to know more about the condition – including family members,  teachers, lecturers and HR departments :

WSCD 2024 About Sickle Cell Booklet